HHS Blog

HHS Culinary Named Among Top 50 Food Management Companies

Written by Elena Sprick | Mar 30, 2016 3:31:00 PM

HHS is pleased to announce that for the third year running, HHS Culinary has been named as one of the Top 50 Contract Management Companies by Food-Management.com. HHS has increased its position on the list from 49 in 2014 and 40 in 2015 to jump to number 31 in 2016, after a year of steady growth. 

“This is a pretty incredible achievement,” says Dirk Noteboom, Executive Vice President of HHS Culinary. “We started only six years ago and have made so much progress and experienced so much growth in that short time." 

HHS Culinary began in 2010 as a solution for HHS partners seeking restaurant-quality dining programs in a healthcare setting. Our culinary leadership team is comprised of clinical nutrition experts as well as master chefs and retail dining professionals committed to reinventing the concept of “hospital food.” We are committed to working with local vendors in each community we serve to provide fresh, local ingredients and seasonally appropriate menus that are nourishing, flavorful, and promote a positive healing environment. 

Noteboom says that tremendous support from HHS senior leadership has set the stage to achieve significant growth, but the ones who deserve the real applause are the teams in the field. “Our teams have done a fantastic job representing our mission and values as a company. We have amazing directors, dietitians, clinicians, chefs and front line team members who have made this possible. They’re the ones who are interacting with the clients each day and truly allow the company to be as successful as it has been. And thanks to their hard work, our clients have been willing to act as references after fairly quick runs in their units. If we’re not doing a very good job, they’ll let everyone know.”

Shawn Barrett, Vice President of HHS Culinary, says that HHS’ dedicated focus on fresh cooking and hospitality is what sets HHS apart. “I believe our commitment to a chef-led program has helped to establish our division, and positions us to compete against larger companies while continuing to grow. Those of us who were involved early on with HHS Culinary all share a real passion for food and providing a great experience for patients, staff and visitors; and we’ve done a great job in attracting like-minded people as we've expanded.”

 The growth that the division has experienced has led to many career advancement opportunities for team members and directors interested in growing within the company. “There have been several directors who have moved from small accounts to larger locations, and we’ve had a few directors move up to become Market Managers, which is a regional oversight role. I look forward to having more opportunities to allow even more of our talented, dedicated team members to advance,” Noteboom says.

 "Nothing makes me happier than to be able to support and mentor someone, then watch them grow and develop personally and professionally so that they too can share in the success of our company," says Barrett.

 Now that HHS Culinary has achieved some big growth and gained some traction in the field, Noteboom sees no signs of slowing down. “I can see us adding $25 to $30 million in business in 2016. In the first couple months of the year we’ve already opened 8 new accounts. Within another five years, I foresee that HHS Culinary will be a $250 to $300 million division of HHS. It’s my goal to break into the top 20 on Food Management’s list within the next five years, preferably three.” 

For more information about HHS Culinary and our nutrition solutions for healthcare facilities, please contact us