HHS' ThreadCount Technology Helps Cut Linen Management Costs and Streamline Processes

At HHS, we understand that you can’t manage what you don’t measure, and in healthcare, measurement is critical to efficiency. Hospitals can ill afford to waste valuable resources, and linen processing costs are often a source of headaches for hospital administrators.
Inconsistent disposal, weighing linen when wet vs. weighing it when dry, and incorrect usage can all lead to mounting linen management costs. That’s why HHS created ThreadCount, a proprietary, cloud-based linen utilization tool that takes the guesswork out of linen management.
ThreadCount allows managers to access usage information in real time, in order to manage their linen programs more proactively, more effectively, and more sustainably.
ThreadCount provides linen utilization managers with detailed statistics on hospital linen usage, as well as the program’s environmental impact, including reductions in pounds of linen, gallons of water, and kilowatt hours of power used to process the facility’s linen.
“ThreadCount is a great example of using technology to streamline processes and provide efficiencies for the hospital,” explains Jake McCuistion, Executive Vice President of HHS Patient Flow and Utilization Management. “It’s just another way that HHS is responding to our customers’ needs and developing industry-leading solutions to improve our partners’ operational efficiency and, ultimately, reduce their operating costs.”