The purpose of this letter is to acknowledge the superior service I received from a member of your staff while a patient in your hospital. While my stay was short, my ailment was severe, and at one point my recovery was in grave doubt.
Three times each day there was a polite knock on my door and a soft voice announced “food service.” When I said come in, I observed an extraordinarily neat, pleasant appearing young man, who inquired as to my health, set my tray down, adjusted the table, asked if there was anything else I needed, and promptly departed. All this was accomplished with a smile on his face and eye to eye contact. The performance never varied. The food was nourishing and of good quality.
I have often found in large organizations that those near the bottom of the organizational structure frequently feel unappreciated and without power. As I am sure you know, the opposite is true. It is the people at this level of the pyramid that make the structure solid. With people like Victron Strawther, your organization has a strong foundation.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Victron for his service.