Team Member Stories

HHS Names Bon Secours Mercy Health Startup Team the 2023 Team of the Year

Written by Holly Heldenfels | Feb 16, 2024 4:45:10 PM

In 2023, a team assembled by HHS CEO of Healthcare Scott Alexander took on an ambitious journey to integrate a large number of ready-made teams through HHS’ new partnership with Bon Secours Mercy Health. This initiative involved the seamless transition of 33 hospitals across four divisions—Environmental Services (EVS), Culinary, Linen, and Patient Transport. The task at hand was monumental with over 2,700 associates and 260 managers that needed to be integrated into the HHS culture. Through unparalleled focus, dedication, persistence, and hard work, the Bon Secours Mercy Health startup team exceeded all expectations demonstrating their commitment to excellence and their dedication to HHS team members.

The team’s success can be attributed to several key factors. Foremost was their ability to communicate effectively and coordinate meticulously, everyone perfectly aligned with the project's goals and objectives. This cohesion was instrumental in facilitating the smooth transition of services. Additionally, the team's adaptability in the face of challenges played an immense role in their success. Team members also pointed to the strong leadership of those above them as an important contributor to their accomplishments throughout the startup process.

As a team, they demonstrated an incredible capacity to overcome obstacles, optimize operations, and ensure the highest standards of service across all fronts. In January, the Bon Secours Mercy Health startup team was named the OneHHS Team of the Year for 2023 and it is a well-deserved honor! A few team members were able to share their experiences playing their part on this team in 2023:

What has been the most rewarding part of being on this team for you?

“Positively impacting our team members [and] knowing that I am leaving an account in a better position to be successful.” Toney Baker, Director, EVS

“Watching the process move seamlessly from site to site once we made it past the first few growing pains/learning curves.” Boyd Schultz, Vice President, Healthcare

“When I accomplished a goal or overcame a challenge either alone or together as a team. Also, [whenever] I learned a new and important task just by trying hard.” Sandra Linzy, Patient Services Manager

What is something valuable that you learned from your experience on the startup team?

“That we can deliver a consistent message of our mission, vision, and values while tailoring the approach to the geographical mindsets that varied depending on which area of the country we were located in.” Sheldon Cash, Executive Vice President

“Being a great leader is not [based on] what a singular individual accomplishes but is [about] guiding teams toward the fulfillment of goals and objectives via effective communication, planning, accountability, motivation, and mentorship.” Jerrod Tallo, Executive Vice President

“Repetition always precedes competence. Exercising patience as the new standards begin to set in [is essential].” Ben Pomales, Patient Services Manager

This team is an incredible example of how to live out the HHS values in the job you do every day. HHS is incredibly proud of every team member who put their efforts into making this startup process as successful as it was. There are a few people who were instrumental in making this initiative happen and deserve recognition for their hard work. The collective efforts of the following individuals have not only set a new benchmark for operational excellence at HHS but also paved the way for future successes in the company's journey:

CEO of Healthcare Scott Alexander Executive Vice President James Maddi
Executive Vice President Don Baldwin President of Healthcare Culinary Dirk Noteboom
COO of Healthcare Jonathan Beveridge Vice President Boyd Schultz
Executive Vice President Sheldon Cash Executive Vice President Jerrod Tallo
Executive Vice President Greg Crandell Vice President Jack Wilder
Chief Growth Officer Derek Kissos