Team Member Stories

HHS Team Member Wins Facility Firestarter Award

Written by Jon Amos | Dec 11, 2020 5:15:59 PM

A hospital in Florida gives out weekly Firestarter Awards, which recognize a select few staff members “whose flame burns bright and sparks action in others.” The team member gets to wear a flame pin for the week representing their hard work and commitment to patient satisfaction. 

HHS Team Member Danielle Wolf recently received the Firestarter Award. Here’s what the hospital’s newsletter highlighted about Danielle:

“Danielle has been the 1st shift supervisor for EVS for one full year. She was recognized for going above and beyond on a regular basis.  Not only for the EVS department but also for others, specifically supporting Plant Ops in anything she can do to help. Danielle shows true character and teamwork daily, always ensuring our patients get the best service possible. There was no shortage of hospital leadership who felt the same way about Danielle’s performance, as she is truly a Firestarter.”