Team Member Stories

HHS Team Supports Account in New Industry

Written by Elena Sprick | Mar 13, 2019 1:00:00 PM

Frank Ormonde took on a new challenge in late 2018 when he accepted the director role in HHS’ first partnership with a zoo in Denver, Colorado. HHS provides janitorial services at the zoo, and Vice President of Operations Gary Rizzato says that Frank, supported by fellow HHS Director Jennifer Ackles, has been doing an incredible job getting the account off the ground.

"Frank literally has worked seven days a week since the beginning, ensuring this startup is successful... Frank stepped in and continues to step up where needed." 

Gary said of the new account, “This place is incredible and nothing like the rest of our business portfolio. Frank literally has worked seven days a week since the beginning, ensuring this startup is successful. We started with three team members when the operations pack required at least 13 to do the job. Frank stepped in and continues to step up where needed. The customer absolutely loves and respects Frank. Jennifer, who lives in San Antonio and runs her own hospital account for HHS, continues to travel to Denver to assist Frank as often as she can. She has been instrumental in the startup, backing up Frank and allowing him to focus on the details while she works on hiring and other areas.”