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August 23, 2024

The Elite Team Behind Faster Patient Discharges at Rochester General

The Elite Team Behind Faster Patient Discharges at Rochester General

HHS’ Specialized Discharge Unit (SDU) is a shining example of teamwork and dedication at Rochester General Hospital. This team of housekeepers has made an enormous impact by speeding up discharge times, improving patient flow, and keeping the hospital clean. Their story shows how much teamwork and hard work can make a difference.

How SDU Came to Be

Before the creation of SDU, Rochester General needed help with patient flow and efficiency. The hospital often operated at or near total capacity, with up to 80 patients waiting for rooms in the emergency department (ED) hallways. Rochester General Hospital also encountered:

  • Extended turnaround times (TAT), averaging 76 minutes.
  • Inefficient discharge processes cause bottlenecks and delays.
  • Reduced productivity in project labor, floor care, and ancillary cleaning, as EVS team members were diverted from their tasks to assist with discharges. 

Click here to read our in-depth case study on the success of the SDU at Rochester.  

Enter SDU

HHS created a specialized unit dedicated to managing discharges to tackle these challenges. The SDU is an elite team of one manager and five top-performing, hand-selected housekeepers. They work during peak discharge hours, from 11:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, focusing only on streamlining the discharge cleaning process.

The People Driving Success

Being selected for the SDU gave the group a sense of purpose and ownership. 

"I get satisfaction in knowing that I am doing a good deed for our patients by providing them all with a clean and safe environment to heal. Granted, that is my job in any area; however, this program allows it to feel more personal to me. I also feel as though my peers look up to me, which is pretty cool! If they're cleaning a room and aren't sure of something if they see me, they'll ask me, and that makes me feel really good." -Shardea Fortenberry, SDU Housekeeper

Strong leadership plays a key role, with Jhulrhonn Thompson leading the way. As the SDU’s coordinator, Jhulrhonn is central to daily operations, making sure every team member knows their tasks and moves efficiently from room to room. Described as both a mother figure and an air traffic controller, Jhulrhonn ensures the SDU operates like a well-choreographed ballet, with every move being precise and timely.

Impact on Hospital Operations

The SDU has made a big difference at Rochester General. The SDU reduced turnaround time (TAT) by 36 minutes on their very first day. Cleaning a room now takes less than 40 minutes, down from over 90 minutes. This improvement has cut waiting times in the ED, letting patients get to their rooms and start recovering faster. The resulting decrease in stress and chaos has made the hospital environment better for both patients and staff.

The SDU's efficiency has improved the hospital's ability to manage patient flow. Regular huddles and ongoing communication keep the team updated on their performance and any special needs for the day. This proactive approach helps maintain high cleanliness and efficiency standards, even during busy times.

Sustaining Excellence

Keeping the SDU’s high standards means constant effort. Regular refreshers, daily huddles, and ongoing performance monitoring are essential. Jhulrhonn’s feedback and encouragement help the team stay motivated and respected.

Supporting the team is very important, especially when they need to stay late or handle unexpected patient surges. This mutual respect and commitment between leadership and SDU members has created a strong, cohesive team that takes pride in its work.

Celebrating Frontline Innovation and Teamwork

The Specialized Discharge Unit at Rochester General is more than a team of housekeepers—they’re a perfect example of what can be achieved with innovation, teamwork, and dedication. Their success in speeding up discharge times and maintaining high cleanliness standards highlights the crucial role that frontline workers play in healthcare. Their story shows us that people with passion and teamwork are behind every great system, working hard to make a difference every day.


Rochester General SDU team.

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