Team Member Stories

Theresa Tyler Embraces Challenge and Finds Her Way at HHS

Written by Holly Heldenfels | Oct 16, 2023 5:20:37 PM

Theresa Tyler is an example of persistence, determination, and positivity everywhere she goes. Originally hailing from Houston, Texas, Theresa is the middle child of three girls and a proud alumna of Lamar High School. 

She jests that she ventured to East Texas for love. However, when the relationship that took her there didn’t work out and her car was totaled in an accident, Theresa wasn’t sure what was next and where she would go. Theresa was determined not to return home until she reclaimed everything she felt she had lost. So she started looking for a job exactly where she was.

That’s when Theresa started her career as an environmental services (EVS) housekeeper in Henderson, Texas. Her dedication to her role was evident. Theresa’s reliability, paired with her cheerful demeanor (earning her the nickname 'Smiley'), caught the attention of her supervisors. "I think it was being dependable," she muses when asked about what she thinks set her apart.

Her first major leap came when her director, at the Houston-area hospital she was working at, recognized her potential. "I see you as more than a housekeeper. I see you as a team lead," he remarked. Encouraged by his faith in her, Theresa dared to step out of her comfort zone. 

Interestingly, it was not always her own vision that led Theresa to these new roles. "It's like they saw something [in me] that I didn't even see," she reflects. The encouragement from her supervisors nudged her to question why she didn't see that potential in herself, pushing her to embrace new challenges. From a team lead, she moved to an administrative assistant role, and today, she proudly serves on the Business Excellence team on the culinary side of HHS.

While she's still getting to know the ins and outs of culinary at HHS, after years in EVS, one thing remains unchanged: her love for traveling, meeting new people, and soaking in new experiences as she does her job.

At the heart of her pursuit for success is a desire to make her family proud, especially her older sister, with whom she shares a close bond. She also finds inspiration in a memory from her housekeeping days; a particular patient highlighted her genuine care, noting she was the only one who consistently checked on his wellbeing. This interaction serves as a reminder of the profound impact her seemingly small gestures can have on individuals.

Theresa’s path to success is an example of the difference it can make when someone believes in you and encourages you to reach for more than you thought possible. And now, Theresa is able to do the same for others.